Dec 24, 2009

Charles Web Proxy

Charles is an HTTP proxy / HTTP monitor / Reverse Proxy that enables a developer to view all of the HTTP and SSL / HTTPS traffic between their machine and the Internet. This includes requests, responses and the HTTP headers (which contain the cookies and caching information).

Dec 11, 2009

Solution: Display issues with Internet Explorer 8

Problem: Internet Explorer 8 displays web pages weird, strange or incorrectly.

Solution1: Change security setting to the default level
     Tools -> Internet Options -> Security -> Internet -> Default level

Solution2: Make sure browser compatibility mode is turned off
     Tools -> Developer Tools -> Browser Mode

Nov 27, 2009

Process Explorer

Process Explorer is a great tool by Micrsoft for tracking down processes that are taking up too much cpu or memory.

Oct 20, 2009

Expected identifier, string or number error message in IE

Error: "Expected identifier, string or number" error message in IE but works in firefox and safari.  

Solution: This error can be fixed by removing the extra comma at the end of the key value pairs of an anonymous function.

Oct 7, 2009

Solution: Access Forbidden Error IIS

Error: HTTP 403.9 - Access Forbidden: Too many users are connected
Internet Information Services

Solution:  Uncheck the "HTTP Keep-Alives Enabled check box under IIS -> Web Site -> Properties.

Sep 17, 2009

Windows wants to format when connecting PSP

I went out and bought a new large memory stick for my PSP. When I tried to connect my PSP to my PC then access the files on the new removable drive it said that the drive was not formatted. 1st of all it wanted to format it in FAT32 with a size that was too small for what the stick was supposed to be (3.4GB rather than 7.6 GB). This was my first flag.

Then I found an article about using the PSP to format any new memory stick. I do highly recommend this. However it did not solve my issue. After formatting the new stick via the PSP, windows still couldn't recognize it.

So I continued searching and got nowhere. I even downloaded the Sony Media Go application. This application would not work with my new memory stick either. It did however work with my old one. I decided to update my PSP system software to the latest version (at this time it is v6.00). This is what got me working. After I upgraded I was able to connect and browse through windows just as I expected.

If you need help on how to upgrade the PSP system software please see:
Instructions for different ways of updating are in the menu on the left hand side.

Sep 4, 2009

one or more arguments are invalid saving a sql maintenance plan

My problem occured with Windows Server 2003 Ent. SP2 in a 2 node cluster configuration with SQL Server 2005 installed as a cluster.

I tried the most basic new maintenance plan possible. Right click the maintenance plans folder in the tree in SQL server management studio, and selecting new maintenance plan. Then witout configuring anything I click save. I got the error "one or more arguments are invalid."

My SA user was set to a null password.
I gave the sa user a password and then I was able to save a maintenance plan with no problems.

Aug 26, 2009

Monitor Contains a Black Border

I purchased a new monitor today and when I plugged it in and turned on my computer the video contained an ugly black border. Turns out the problem is because my video card has an HDTV setting that needed to be turned off under the video card software control panel. I was able to fix the problem by enabling SLI on my dual video cards.

SVN Cheat Sheet

Add add a file/directory:
svn add file1

svn up

svn commit -m "Message goes here"

Revert a file to a specific revision:
svn up
-r12345 file1 file2 file3

Aug 13, 2009

Vista Save Window size and location

I have found it very annoying that when you close and reopen windows explorer (along with other windows) in Vista it does not save the size and location of the window. If you hold the shift button down when you close the window it will save the size and location of the window for the next time you open it.

Jul 21, 2009

patch error: Assertion failed, hunk, file patch.c

When running patch.exe on windows error: Assertion failed, hunk, file patch.c

Add the --binary option when running patch.exe.

Jul 17, 2009

Flex Underline Links in a TextArea Component

import flash.text.StyleSheet;

private function init():void {
var ss:StyleSheet = new StyleSheet;

// Define an object for the "hover" state of the "a" tag.
var hoverStyles:Object = new Object;
hoverStyles.textDecoration = "underline";
hoverStyles.color = "#FF00CC";

// Define an object for the non-hover state of the "a" tag.
var linkStyles:Object = new Object;
linkStyles.color = "#FF00CC";

// Apply the newly defined styles.
ss.setStyle("a:hover", hoverStyles);
ss.setStyle("a", linkStyles);

// Apply the StyleSheet to the TextArea control.
myTA.styleSheet = ss;

Jul 12, 2009

Turn off Script Debugging in Internet Explorer

The following message pops up in Internet Explorer:
A Runtime Error has Occurred. Do you wish to Debug?

Click on the "Tools" Menu in Internet Explorer
Select "Internet Options"
Under the "Browsing" section
Check the "Disable Script Debugging" Checkbox

Jul 1, 2009

mvn site commons.logging errror

Links related to the mvn site error message:

Invalid class loader hierarchy. You have more than one version of 'org.apache.commons.logging.Log' visible, which is not allowed.

May 28, 2009

Adobe AIR File association

Some how the file association got lost and reinstalling Adobe AIR did not fix the problem. To fix the file association allowing you to install or upgrade an Adobe AIR application associate .air files with:

c:\Program Files\Common Files\Adobe AIR\Versions\1.0\Adobe AIR Application Installer

May 18, 2009

Unable to Install Adobe CS3

If you are unable to install Adobe Dreamweaver, Flash, Illustrator, Photoshop, etc. because you get an error message stating it is already installed. Try the Adobe CS3Clean Script

May 8, 2009

Modify JBoss memory usage

To modify the maximum memory used by JBoss modify the -Xmx parameter in the $JBOSS_HOME/bin/run.conf.

Apr 30, 2009

Maven Skip Tests

To run maven without running the tests:

mvn install -Dmaven.test.skip=true

Apr 20, 2009

Eclipse "cannot be resolved to a type" error

Error: I was getting several "cannot be resolved to a type" error messages and red X's on the packages.

Solution: Right click on the project in the package explorer and select Refresh.

Apr 17, 2009

Eclipse PHP Development Tools


Eclipse failed during execution error message

Error: failed during execution of mojo: org.apache.maven.plugins:maven-compiler-plugin:2.0.2:compile

Solution: Modify eclipse.ini file (found in the eclipse installation directory) -vm property with the same java jdk vm used for maven.

C:\Program Files\Java\jdk1.5.0_18\jre\bin\client\jvm.dll


Apr 14, 2009

Error "Invalid thread access" during Maven import

When trying to import a maven project using Eclipse 7.1 I got the following error message:

An internal error occurred during: "Importing Maven projects". Invalid thread access.

Apparently m2eclipse importing of Maven projects is not supported in Eclipse 7.1. I uninstalled Eclipse 7.1 and installed Eclipse 7.0 to fix the problem.


Apr 10, 2009

Error: java.lang.OutOfMemoryError: Java heap space

If Java runs out of memory, the following error occurs:

Exception in thread "main" java.lang.OutOfMemoryError: Java heap space


Exception in thread "main" java.lang.OutOfMemoryError: PermGen space

java -Xms[initial heap size] -Xmx[maximum heap size] -XX:MaxPermSize=[maximum permanent size]


java -Xms128m -Xmx256m -XX:MaxPermSize=256m

Mar 21, 2009

Vista TSSTCorp DVD Driver not installed properly

I was getting the following error message:

"Device driver software was not successfully installed."

TSSTcorp DVD+-RW TS-L632D ATA Device

I was able to solve the problem with my DVD drive with a TSSTCorp Driver by uninstalling the driver, running the following registry fix and restarting my computer. Just save the file to your computer and double click on it. It is like magic.

Mar 18, 2009

SQL not acknowleding 64-bit

Are you getting this warning message from SQL?

"32-bit ASP.Net is Registered. Required 64-bit ASP.Net to install Microsoft Reporting Services 2005(64-bit)."

Click Start -> Run
type "cmd" and hit enter

in the command window type the following 4 commands:
cscript %SYSTEMDRIVE%\inetpub\adminscripts\adsutil.vbs SET W3SVC/AppPools/Enable32bitAppOnWin64 1
%SYSTEMROOT%\Microsoft.NET\Framework\v2.0.50727\aspnet_regiis.exe -i
cscript %SYSTEMDRIVE%\inetpub\adminscripts\adsutil.vbs SET W3SVC/AppPools/Enable32bitAppOnWin64 0
%SYSTEMROOT%\Microsoft.NET\Framework64\v2.0.50727\aspnet_regiis.exe -i

After these commands are complete open IIS Manager
Select "Web Service Extentions"
Then allow both ASP.Net v2.0.50727 extentions

commands obtained from: here

Jan 2, 2009

Eclipse Error Message: Java compiler level does not match the version of the installed Java project facet

The java facet version needs to always match the java compiler compliance level. The best way to change java level is to use the Project Facets properties panel as that will update both places at the same time. The Project Facet can be changed via Project Properties -> Project Facets panel.