Dec 21, 2012

WordPress Resources

Customizing WordPress For Your Clients

WordPress Shortcodes: A Complete Guide

WordPress dashboard hacks for developers and freelancers

Nov 19, 2012

WordPress: Update URL or Domain

Update (or add) the following lines to the code to the wp-config.php file:
  • define("WP_SITEURL","desired url address");
  • define("WP_HOME","desired url address");

Jun 20, 2012

PhoneGap 1.8.1 Invalid Icon Path

Error Message: Invalid Icon Path - No icon found at the path referenced under key "CFBundleIcons": icon-72@2x.png

Using PhoneGap 1.8.1 app to distribute an app to the App Store using the default template,it will be rejected because the binary will be invalid. Reason: " Invalid Icon Path - No icon found at the path referenced under key "CFBundleIcons": icon-72@2x.png "

Which is easily solved by adding an icon-72@2x.png to the project. Or by removing the reference from the icon list in the YourAppName-info.plist file in the Supporting Files directory.

May 25, 2012

Solved: Google Adsense (404 Bad Request) error

I noticed that when you first setup an ad unit in Google Adsense the ads don't show up right away and display a (404 Bad Request) error.  It would have saved me time if Google made this clear by displaying a message in the get code window.

Fishing Weather

I have created another Android app and it is now on the Android Market.  Please install it and give it five stars if you have an Android phone. I am working on trying to get these ported over to the iPhone.

Apr 12, 2012

Solved: Firefox: This web page is being redirected to a new location

In Firefox a message kept popping up as a result of filtering software on our network.  The following fixed the problem:

Type in your firefox url : about:config
Set the following option to true : network.http.prompt-temp-redirect

Feb 28, 2012

Solved: Asus Transformer won't turn on

I had an issue where I was unable to turn on my Asus Transformer. I found a blog that suggested I hold the volume up button and the power button for 3 seconds to force a restart. Turns out on my Asus Transformer I had to hold the volume down button and the power button for 3 seconds to hard reset it.  I found that sometimes I have to plug it into the power outlet for this to work.  I really wish Asus would fix the problem it is very frustrating. Although it has gotten better with the last couple updates.