Jun 20, 2012

PhoneGap 1.8.1 Invalid Icon Path

Error Message: Invalid Icon Path - No icon found at the path referenced under key "CFBundleIcons": icon-72@2x.png

Using PhoneGap 1.8.1 app to distribute an app to the App Store using the default template,it will be rejected because the binary will be invalid. Reason: " Invalid Icon Path - No icon found at the path referenced under key "CFBundleIcons": icon-72@2x.png "

Which is easily solved by adding an icon-72@2x.png to the project. Or by removing the reference from the icon list in the YourAppName-info.plist file in the Supporting Files directory.

Jun 15, 2012

Adding Admob Ads to iOS PhoneGap App

Excellent blog post on Adding Admob Ads to iOS PhoneGap App:
